So since we have Christmas and New Year's, emailing days are a little mixed up. So I get to email today and next Thursday and maybe Monday, I'm not completely sure. This week was pretty much surrounded by Christmas. On Christmas Eve the Glasgow and Paisley zone all got together and we sang Christmas carols in the middle of a huge mall and it was pretty amazing. We helped raise money for a charity and you could hear us through the entire mall and we actually sounded pretty amazing. After we were there for a little while we took a break and two missionaries did a single song of "Just the Way you Are" by Bruno Mars for a man to help him propose to his girlfriend in the restaurant next to us and it was pretty cool because she said yes and cried a little and we were all there to watch it happen and I'm not sure but you might find it somewhere on YouTube maybe.
Letter home arrived January 6, 2013
December 23, 2013 Airdrie Scotland
Today was an interesting Monday. We don't have an actual p-day today because we are getting Christmas and Boxing day off. Today was so packed that I didn't have time to email or shop. We practiced our caroling that we will do in downtown Glasgow tomorrow and there was a lot of travel time today. We had dinner at the Easton's and Br. Eaton is huge on conspiracies and about health care and what they put in your food. So that's pretty much what him and Elder Edwards talked about because Elder Edwards is huge into conspiracies and 9-11 and voodoo stories like that so he enjoyed it a lot. We had FHE at Jamie's and watched some of the "Joy to the World DVD. It was good and very spiritual.
December 24, 2013
Today all the missionaries in Glasgow and Paisley gathered at a huge mall and we all sang Christmas carols for a charity and it was pretty good. It was really cool when a man asked the conductor a week before, if we could have the singers sing a song while he proposed to his girlfriend while they were at a restaurant next to us. She said "Yes". It was pretty cool. Later that night our building had a Christmas service.
December 25, 2013 CHRISTMAS
Today was an amazing Christmas. We went over to Jamie's in the morning because we found out he was alone for Christmas so we watched "Singing in the Rain" with him. Then we went to the Black's. I got to Skype you Mom, and it was amazing. I found out later that we could Skype for however long the members we went to were comfortable with so I could have kept going. But that's okay, next time. It didn't feel like Christmas but it was an amazing day!
December 26, 2013 Boxing Day
For Boxing Day it was just a chill day and we just ate and relaxed. It was super weird. I felt like I was doing something wrong. We went to the McGowin's and the Warks and it was just nice.
December 27, 2013
Today was super tiring because my body had gotten used to not moving all day. Right now I'm just trying to get back into things and get motivated. It's hard with it being freezing and rainy/windy. I need to keep pushing forward.
December 28,, 2013
So today was an interesting Sunday. We only had Sacrament and no other classes because the heaters didn't work and Bishop had to call it early for health reasons because it was freezing. That was the first time that has ever happened to me. Also, I have discovered what I call the 'lawn mowing method". So you know how much I enjoy doing yard work and mowing the lawn but whenever I am told to, I do't want to, mainly because someone is telling me to do it. But I like doing it out of my own efforts but something switches when force of any small type appears. Like chapping, or talking to people on the street, or any missionary work at all. I love doing it and serving but the moment I am asked other than by the Lord, my desire to do it drops so this is something to overcome.
Highlight was Skyping home